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May 3, 1997 (Sat.)
Elevation: 4161 feet; Order of Height: 32
Participants: Luke Ward, Andrew Lavigne, Rob Hounsell, Mark Enright, Andree Plouffe?
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Rob Hounsell's first hike with us. There was still quite a bit of snow - Marcy Dam was still frozen over. I remember that Mark had an early GPS unit, which could only get a lock in totally open areas like at Marcy Dam. Lots of snow all the way up to the summit. Luke has a propensity for nailing his skull on overhead branches, and this hike was no exception! The very summit of Phelps is treed, but just off of the summit is an excellent ledge with good views to the south towards Colden and Marcy. The descent was uneventful and quick. Having a hard-packed snow trail meant a quick slide down back to the Van Hoevenberg trail, and from there a straightforward walk back to the Adirondak Loj parking area.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: May 3, 1997 Phelps Mountain Hike

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