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May 5, 1996 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4627 feet; Order of Height: 12
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Markus Wandel, Alan Lawrance, Todd Pepin, Luc Alary, Andree Plouffe, Rama Thavasinadar
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This was Markus' first hike. Markus was, back then, not the Markus you know today. He'd decided to come because he thought some of the pictures from one of my slide shows were nice, and wanted to see the area for himself. Of course, there was lots of talk about how this was just a short term thing for him, he'd get bored soon enough, not want to come down that often, etc etc. Vintage Markus. Anyway. This was his first time out of the country (Canada) since he'd immigrated from Germany. Also along on the hike were many colleagues of mine at the time, as well as Andree and Luc.

It was still early spring in the mountains, so there were no leaves anywhere yet. We stopped at the neat falls along Roaring Brook, and took a detour over to the Giant's Nubble, where I took a good group photo of everyone. From there it was up the southwestern ridge of Giant, with a fair bit of spring wetness, eventually giving way to snow. Many wet feet at this point, since many of us had inadequate hiking footwear and things were really wet. A clear view greeted us on the summit, with excellent views back west to the central high peaks area. On the return leg, we chose the direct route down towards Roaring brook. Markus was very sore for many days aftewards, this being his first hike, and stated that he thought mountain hiking was not for him and that he would not be coming on one again. yeah, right...

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: May 1996 Giant Mountain Hike

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