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Snowy Mountain
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Elevation: 3899' (1188m)
Officially trailled
Location: N43.7002 W74.3867 (WGS84)
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Not to be confused with the lower Snow Mountain, Snowy Mountain is a peak in the Southern Region of the Adirondacks (south and slightly west of the central High Peaks region. In an area where the general mountain height is fairly modest, Snowy stands out with an elevation just shy of 4000 feet, and indeed higher than one of the "official" 46Rs. Starting from a point along route 30 about 7 miles south of Indian Lake, Snowy has a maintained trail (about 3.4 miles one way) to its summit, which offers a number of attractions: two nice lookouts, north and west-facing, a nice patch of grassy clearing that offers views east, and a well-maintained (and climbable) fire tower on the very highest point. Additionally, a prominent south-east facing cliffband just below the summit can be reached and examined up close by an informal climbing path. The only downside to Snowy is the trail itself - a significant stretch of it is quite eroded and rough, and sometimes quite wet.

Andrew's climb logs of Snowy Mountain: [Nov. 21, 2015]

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