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MacNaughton Mountain
Order in 46R List:

Elevation: 4000' (1219m)
Officially trailless
Location: N44.1409 W074.0673 (WGS84)
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MacNaughton is the 'lost 46er peak'. Or, perhaps it could be called the 47th 46er peak. At the time of the creation of the official 46er peak list, it was thought to be slightly under 4000 feet. Some subsequent surveys have placed its elevation at exactly 4000 feet. It's certainly higher than Couchschraga, Blake, Nye and Cliff, though. Couchsachraga is the lowest of the 46 peaks. MacNaughton is very definitely a trailless peak. It can be climbed from either the end of the Wallface Ponds trail, or from near Hunter Pond in the Duck Hole area. Both climbs are bushwacks, with no continuous herdpath to the top. There are a few limited lookouts along the summit ridge; the actual summit, with sign, is at the extreme northwestern end of the summit ridge.

Andrew's climb logs of MacNaughton Mountain: [Sep. 23, 2007]

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