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Dix Mountain
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Mount Dix

Elevation: 4857' (1480m)
Officially trailled
Location: N44.0823 W73.7865 (WGS84)
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Dix is the highest peak in the southern section of the High Peaks. Dix has a ridge-like summit that has many open ledges but is not completely bare (there is a fair bit of low scrub here and there). Dix is situated far enough away to allow for a sweeping view of the entire length of the Great Range to the north. Also of note on Dix is a prominent rock ledge just south of the summit, known as the Beckhorn. It is perhaps more interesting than the actual summit. Dix can be reached either from a trailhead on Keene Valley just south of St. Huberts, or via a trailhead at Elk Lake.

Andrew's climb logs of Dix Mountain: [May 15, 1999], [Aug. 26, 2000], [Jul. 11, 2004], [Mar. 18, 2007], [Aug. 24, 2019]

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