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Saturday, July 21
Drinks with the Fletchers
courtesy PChen
Agordo from Graham's
Our planning worked out well, and we managed to navigate back to our cars and drive the 1.5 hours back to the southern Dolomites, arriving at the central water-fountain in Agordo at 5 minutes before 7pm. In not more than a few minutes, a lean non-italian looking fellow strode up to the fountain.
courtesy PChen
Indeed it was Graham, and we exchanged handshakes and pleasantries for a few minutes. We then hopped into the cars and drove up to a little hillside on the edge of town, where Graham has a top-floor suite in a multi-unit house. Not far below his house, Graham had arranged for us to stay at a pleasant little hotel called the Albergo Edora. It was a composed of two modern multi-level buildings, styled in a pleasant alpsy-ish motif common in this area.
courtesy PChen
A visit with the Fletchers
After freshening up, we walked the couple of minutes between the hotel and Graham's house, where he showed us upstairs to a wide, expansive flat, with angled-wood panelled ceilings and an open-concept living area.
courtesy PChen
Chatting with the Fletchers
We had drinks out on the long balcony, which has a superb vista down over the town of Agordo and north directly up the Cordevole valley. On either side are big dolomitic peaks: the Civetta group on the right, and Monte Agner and the Pale di San Martino on the left, both of which have world-class ferrate on them. Quite a spot for a home!
courtesy PChen
Meeting the author
Graham introduced us to Meg, his wife, and Mark, his son (who just happened to be visiting at the time). I recognized Meg from all of the pictures in the guidebook with captions like 'climber on ferrata XYZ', and that was pretty cool. Meeting celebrities, we were!
courtesy PChen
We had a wonderful time out on the balcony, chatting in the soft late- evening night. I hope, Graham, that you weren't too overwhelmed with all of the ferrata questions we asked!
Soon it was time to turn in. We had hoped to arrange to do a mountain outing together with the Fletchers, but our timing and theirs weren't quite matched up, so instead we agreed to make contact in two days, when we would hopefully get together again and perhaps go out for a meal on the town. Sounded like a plan!
courtesy PChen
courtesy PChen
Excellent hosts
Chatting it up
Albergo Edora
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