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Must wake graham up
Well, its 5:30 am on the third day. Let's try and wake Graham up with the camera flash!..... [enlarge]
There we go... Good morning, Graham! [enlarge]
We are up super early and are ready for breakfast before they are officially open. Perhaps because of our politeness, they let us in early and I have several pancakes and eggs to get me started. We manage to get rolling on our bikes quite early today (somewhere around 7:35am). The day is beautiful - clear and calm, but a bit chilly.

More friendly helpers prepare us our breakfast. Sunny side up eggs and some fluffy pancakes... tasty! We are up super early and are ready for breakfast before they are officially open. Perhaps because of our politeness, they let us in early and I have several pancakes and eggs to get me started. We manage to get rolling on our bikes quite early today (somewhere around 7:35am). The day is beautiful - clear and calm, but a bit chilly.
Another scrumptious breakfast
Breakfast being cooked on the morning of day 3. [enlarge]
Full pressure please!
We make sure that all of our tires are properly inflated. [enlarge]
Beautiful Golden Morning
The most excellent view from our campsite on the morning of the third day. [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Wonderful sunny morning
Graham's version of the same scene. [enlarge]
Sunlight reflecting off the Kicking Horse River
Leaving Golden
This is the trans-canada highway heading west through Golden. Our route hangs left and heads east on the trans-canada towards Alberta. [enlarge]
Ascent from Golden
Caroline and Graham ascend out of Golden with majestic mountains in the background. [enlarge]
The ascent out of Golden has many tough steep bits, but the wonderful scenery makes up for it. Graham's knee is causing him a lot of pain, but he wants to continue to give it a shot nevertheless.
courtesy Graham
Andrew on his way out of Golden
Fellow GTers
These two women had me take their picture at a lookout above Golden. I told them to look for these shots on the web and to contact me so that I can give them these pictures - if you guys are out there, hit the 'feedback' button and let me know! [enlarge]
Portrait shot of GTers
Trans-canada highway and rail line
Here, the trans-canada and the nation's main east-west rail link are side by side. If you look closely, you can see GTers on the road! [enlarge]
Kapristo Mountain
If I'm not mistaken, this is Kapristo Mountain (or something nearby). A very elegant and rugged looking peak from this angle! [enlarge]
First Snack on Day 3
After a lot of steep ups and downs on the trans-canada, it is nice to reach the snack break and fuel up! [enlarge]
Graham's spontaneous flat
As we stand near Graham's bike, his front tire suddenly deflates - very strange. Fortunately, we are at the rest stop, and so the bike mechanic fixes graham up lickety-split - especially since graham spare tube was of the wrong type for his bike! [enlarge]
Entering Yoho
A nice section of road not long after entering Yoho National Park [enlarge]
The Big Turn
Graham cycles around the big turn in the trans-canada as it changes direction from south-east to north. Kootenay Mountains in the background. [enlarge]
I've always thought the third day's ride was the most scenic, and this time reinforced that opinion. Also, this time, unlike the last time I did the GT, there was no horrible headwind to battle. Much easier this time, and I was not dreading the climb up to the Kicking Horse Pass.
Spectacular Rockies Scenery
I like this shot.... one of the better ones in this collection, I think. Here, GTers cycle north towards Field with the mountains of the Continental Divide in the background. [enlarge]
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