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We arrive in Golden early in the afternoon (just before 2:30 pm). In Golden, we are able to camp (for free) at the local campground. Also available there are nice hot showers, which we all avail ourselves of.
Golden, BC
This is a plaque on the outskirts of town describing Golden, BC. [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Golden campsite
Andrew and Caroline at the Golden town campsite. [enlarge]
At the campground, we spend a leisurely afternoon on the bank of the Kicking Horse river, drinking a few beer and tuning up the bikes, as we wait for dinner to be served (which is being held in a nearby hall). Graham's ankle and knee are acting up after today's ride, and he is a bit worried about it.
Bike tuning
Graham does a gear alignment tune on mine and Caroline's bikes. Thanks, Graham! [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Caroline relaxes
The boulders next to the river make nice camp chairs. [enlarge]
Whitewater visitors
A couple of whitewater rafts float by on the river as we relax at our campsite. [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Graham, happy camper
Graham is chipper and happy with some beer and a nice spot on the river's edge. [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Must... freeze... ankle
Graham wants to "ice" his sore ankle.... as you can see, its quite a hoot to do so! (the Kicking Horse river is, shall we say, a bit chilly). [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Relaxing at the end of the day
Soaking in the nice day and nicer scenery. [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Sunday night dinner
Sunday night's dinner is held at a hall in Golden. Excellent food! also, this is where the EVCC organizing folks address the riders, and give out door prizes! All that and treats from dairy queen, too! how can you beat that? [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
Enjoying my dairy queen treat
Graham catches me in the act.... [enlarge]
courtesy Graham
EVCC organizer
This is Debbie, one of the principle organizers of the GT this year. She has done a superb job (along with everyone else) [enlarge]
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