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Our last bit of fun for the day was a visit to one of the Adirondack's many climbing crags - the Beer Walls. This is a set of cliffs not far from Chapel Pond in Keene Valley, and would be the perfect place for us to do a little bit of relaxed top-rope climbing. It had been quite a while since any of us had done any sort of climbing in the Adirondacks, and today's sunny and warm conditions were perfect for it.
Heading to the Beer Walls
Nearing the Beer Walls
A bit of Beer Walls
It was a very short hike up from Route 73, along a faint track, to the location of the Beer Walls. The walls are part of what is sometimes called Chapel Pond Canyon - a narrow cleft-like valley right at the base of Round Mountain. The cliffs here are clean and solid. We chose to set up at short little face at the upper end of the section known as the Lower Beer Wall.
Notch and lower Great Range
Climbing an easy crack
Jenn climbs 5.2 crack
We set up three top-rope routes on the cliff - one a very easy 5.2 route, and two harder 5.8-ish or 5.9-ish routes. We all managed the 5.2 route of course, but I had trouble with the 5.8 route, making it only about two-thirds of the way up before giving up. I think I should be able to manage that sort of route, and I'm going to have to spend a bit of time improving my climbing capabilities.
courtesy RHanel
Andrew readying for climb
Andrew on 5.2 crack
Sara on 5.8 route
courtesy RHanel
Andrew on 5.8 route
Jean on Slab Route
Jean on Slab Route
Jean on Slab Route
Andrew on 5.8 route
Andrew on 5.8 route
Andrew on 5.8 route
Sara, Jean, Roland and Isabel all did well on the harder routes, with Sara especially showing nimbleness on the somewhat thin 5.9 face route.

All in all, it was a very pleasant place to spend a warm and sunny winter afternoon (!?) in the Adirondacks.
courtesy RHanel
Roland's Layback
Sara on slab route
Sara on slab route
Interactive Trackmap - Walk to Beer Walls - click map to view
Jean, Isabel, Roland and Sara had one more night and half-day at the cabin, but for us it was a 'week night'. After returning to the cars, we bid our farewells and headed back home.
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