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Next on the agenda was a hike all the way back to South Dix, and then on towards Hough Peak, a pointy summit not far from Dix. The trail goes through a lot of elevation gain and loss on this section, so maybe that's why they called the peak 'Hough' (pronounced 'Huff', as in Huff and Puff, maybe?). The summit of Hough, although treed, has lots of really nice viewpoints and has a good steep pointy feeling. This is also where we get very good views of the pointy side of Dix and the Beckhorn (a subsummit of Dix).
Elk Lake from Hough
Macomb Mountain
East Dix
courtesy Markus
South Dix
Andrew and the Big Dix
Markus photographs Dix
Mount Dix and Beckhorn
Markus on Hough
more standard summit shot
Lookout on Dix ridge
Markus nearing Beckhorn
East, South and Hough
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