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Up, up, up. It is a long but satisfying climb up this ridgecrest. You need to be comfortable with exposure, though, because there is a lot of it, and on both sides!
Climbing the crest
A little slip-up
Climbing around an edge
Big Air for Pu
Spectacular ridgecrest
Once you arrive at the top of Punta Anna, you've finished a major portion of the climb, and the character of the route changes. There is no long continuous section of ferrata climbing like this on the rest of the route (although don't be fooled, there are still challenges to come!).

As you walk north along the crest of Punta Anna, notice the big, rounded wall above you (and ignore the route that descends to the left - it goes down to the mountain to Rifugio Giussani). The route ascends diagonally to the right under that tower, following an obvious angled ledge. Make your way, following the waymarks, to this section, where wire begins again and protects your climb of this diagonal ledge.
Up from Punta Anna
Back down at Punta Anna
A bit of scrambling
The route then resumes a hiking / scrambling character, traversing north along moderate, unprotected ledges You then emerge onto a wide, gently sloping area of scree, where a well-defined path leads north. There is a junction reached along this section, with the path straight ahead eventually descending down to the east and off of the mountain. Instead, turn left at this junction and follow the path upwards, switchback to and fro until you again gain the crest of the ridge leading up towards the higher points of the Tofane Group. You can now see the wires and station of the Tofana cablecar. That is your ultimate destination! It may look close, but it isn't - you've still got several hours of climbing to go!
The ultimate destination
A bit of easy hiking
Tofana cablecar
The mountain-path gains the crest of the main ridge and scenically follows its narrow crest, eventually reaching the first of several vertical steps, starting with a ladder. higher up on the ridgecrest, the route starts to traverse left, and leaves the ridgecrest. Follow the waymarks carefully here - we got a little off-track when we did this part, and turned off left a little too early, resulting in a bit of hairy unprotected scrambling before getting back on the route. Please refer to the annotated picture "Wrong Way!", which looks back at our mistake and the way we should have gone.
courtesy PChen
Staying on the crest
Along the crest
Punta Giovannina
The route, now protected and traversing underneath a wall, soon reaches a narrow deep gap called the 'Torri Gianni wind-gap'. There is a narrow earthy ridge across the gap that is unprotected.
Wrong Way!
Crags and Towers
The route to the gap
On the other side of the gap, the wire continues, and the climbing gets bold again, with one strenuous and spectacularly exposed traverse around one a big tower. There is an optional wire that goes up to the top of the tower. On the other side of the tower, there is a bit of ledge walking, then a bit more wire as the route follows the edge of the crest, passing over a big archway in the ridge (known as the 'Bus de Tofana' - you probably won't notice the archway until you've gone past it). There is a branch wire leading down and into the archway, and a route continues from here down to the valley to the west (and ultimately back to Rifugio Dibona).
Very exposed corner
Crossing the bus
The mid-route
After crossing over the archway, the route turns back into a well-defined trail. It undulates along for a bit, heading north-west underneath the towers of the Punta Giovannina. To your right you can see scree bowls, ski runs, and chairlift systems. The route continues up through a series of twisted old iron avalanche barriers, with some ferrata wire here and there. Higher up, the wire becomes more continuous, and the ferrata portions end with a few ladder sections. From here, there is a bit of unprotected ridge walking.
The mid-route
The upper route
Past rusted avalanche fences
courtesy DBoyd
Through the fences
Punta Giovannina
More climbing and traversing
One last ladder
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