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With the very successful birthday event now complete, we spent the relaxing week hanging around Bathurst - visiting friends, going golfing (in the case of my Dad and my brothers Alphonse and George), or going hiking. I took my sister Elvira on a hike up to the top of the highest mountain in New Brunswick - Mount Carleton. The mountain is an hour or so drive from town, and via its shorter approaches, is easily done as a short day hike. Here are a few pictures from that hike:
Mount Carleton Provincial Park
Nictau Lake
On Carleton's Summit Ridge
Lunch on the ridge
Surveying the Land
Mt Carleton summit
Final crag
Back to the trailhead
These are only a few of the pictures from the hike. If you'd like to see the full writeup (of the hike) with more pictures, you can click here. In addition to the Mt Carleton hike, I went on another hike - this time a solo hike - during the week I was in Bathurst. This hike was a longer one, in the beautiful Chic-choc mountains of the nearby Gaspe peninsula. You can read all about that hike by clicking here.

Meanwhile, back at my parents' house, we both gave and received during the course of the week: gave in the form of helping out around the house, fixing little things that needed to be fixed; received in the form of many delicious pasta dinners and good company.
Even in the paper
Northern Light Birthday
A new step
The Mom Test
After dinner break
Heading Out
Living Room Orchids
Aurele watching TV
Listening to Bocelli
Pasta Dinner
The good dishes
Pasta Dinner
Pasta Dinner
Pondering Dessert
Relaxing Post-dinner
And so, after a full nine days at home (more than I usually spend in Bathurst), it was time to head back. It had been a very fulfilling visit, both for us children and for my Mom.

If you are reading this, Mom (and I hope you are, now that you have a new tablet!), I hope you have enjoyed seeing the pictures and re-living the many pleasant moments we had. We wish you happy birthday once again!
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