After the long distance hiking and driving of the last few days, it was time for a more relaxed pace. We got up late, had a nice leisurely breakfast at the cottage, then went for a nice long multi-hour walk along the sand-dune lined beach.
The beach was pleasant, wide, and uncrowded. The only slight downer was a moderate amount of jellyfish floating in the water. Don't much like jellyfish.
There was one little bit of 'business' we wanted to attend to on PEI: the small matter (literally) of the PEI highpoint. We were here and it couldn't be that hard, so... what the hey. So, after our leisurely morning and early afternoon, Jenn and I set out for the mighty summit of PEI.
PEI's summit is an unnamed height-of-land in an area of farmer's fields located roughly halfway between the cities of Charlottetown and Summerside. It does not have any sort of official trail leading to it. At just over 500 feet above sea-level, it wasn't the sort of place that required supplemental oxygen. And at less than half a kilometre of walking distance from where you can park, it was the sort of place that we could probably knock off with the rest of the afternoon. So, we drove some scenic PEI backroads to a point along the dark and leafy old road that marked the closest approach of vehicular access.
We first walked along the edge of long open field south of the road, crossing over what appeared to be the highest point on it without any indication of a high point. We then retraced our steps and walked back along the road, noticing a very faint overgrown road leading off into the woods. We headed down that for a bit but didn't see anything obvious. Elevation readings from my GPS showed it to be about the same as the highest point in the field. And still, no marker or sign. Ok... not quite so easy as it sounded! Back again to the road, we walked along it for a hundred yards or so to a point where another field to south became visible. According to my GPS, it too appeared to be very similar in elevation to the other two spots, so we spent a fair bit of time combing the highest point of land, which appeared to be at the edge of the field where it met the edge of the aforementioned woods.
After several tens of minutes of searching the edge of the field and in the woods, we finally came across a government 'there is a survey marker near here' sign, and, not too long afterwards, a solitary survey marker. Was this the highpoint? It was right at the boundary of field and wood, and it had an arrow on it. It looked more like a triangulation marker for another survey marker nearby, but we could not locate another survey marker in the direction in which it pointed. It was promising, but I was unconvinced. Besides, based on where it was, it could simply be the survey marker for the boundary of the field. Feeling like we must have covered. And, once again, elevation readings revealed that this point was unconclusively at the same general altitude as the other two spots.
Wanting to get back in time for dinner, we decided to let it go and head back to the cottage. What should have taken less than an hour of time was dragging on. I felt that we probably had 'covered all the bases', but that little nagging voice in my mind wasn't completely satisfied. I had a feeling that we would be back....