Audio and Video Clips

Here are a few audio and video clips from throughout the trip. They are provided in different formats for your convenience. You will need to have an appropriate player for at least one of the supplied file formats. (update December 2020: I have re-posted these audio and video clips such that you should be able to play them in your browser with no plug-ins or other hassles required).

Audio: A group of Italian hikers break into multi-part harmony on the summit of the Grosse Tschierspitze.

Video: Bob Spelunking in the Volpera Caverns.

Markus converses with the Avis company in Germany about our rental car key (part I).

Markus converses with the Avis company in Germany about our rental car key (part I).

Video: Markus attempts an alternate solution to the rental car key problem....
Video: Alpine Choughs perform acrobatics for airborne food...

Church tower Bells in Fiesole (just north of Florence)

A Vendor in the Marketplace in Chamonix.

Listen to part of an explanation about medieval weapons (Waldberg castle, Germany) .

Medieval Music from Waldberg castle, Germany (song 1).

Medieval Music from Waldberg castle, Germany (death dirge).

Medieval Music from Waldberg castle, Germany (song 3).
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