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Allen Brook
Allen Brook has many pretty little cascade and flumes. This is a neat section where the entire volume of the brook is channelled into a narrow slot. [enlarge]
In the clouds
At around 3000 feet we enter the clouds. Very ghostly. On a more positive note, the rain stops for a while. [enlarge]
Double 46er Achieved!
Upon climbing this peak, Ewart becomes a double Adirondack 46er! (Unofficially). Ewart is given an [unofficial] double 46er hat, and a can of European brew! Congratulations Ewart! [enlarge]
Dare'ing on Allen
The Dare Cinnamon Danish cookies make it to the top of this challenging peak. Good job, cookies! [enlarge]
Andrew looks scared
Or maybe tired... Or maybe surprised? Anyway, not a good picture of me, but is proof that I have made it up this blasted mountain. Number 40 for me! [enlarge]
Excellent Summit View
A shot of the excellent view from the lookout near the summit (facing east). Haystack and some of the Great Range are in that direction! [enlarge]
Wet, dark, but almost finished
Totally soaked and tired after almost 30km of hiking through some of the muckiest and roughest trails, the suspension bridge over the Hudson is a welcome sight! [enlarge]
Signing out!
We made it back safe and sound! [enlarge]
Interactive trackmap with photo points - Allen Mountain - click map to view
Note: hike data below is for only the first half (the ascent) of the Mount Allen hike.

Mount Allen (Ascent Only) - Hike Data
Start Time: 8:34a.m.
End Time: 2:23p.m.
Duration: 5h49m
Distance: 14.34 km (8.91 mi)
Average Speed: 2.5 km/hr (1.5 mph)
Start Elevation: 1699ft (518m) *
Max Elevation: 4339ft (1322m) *
Min Elevation: 1693ft (516m) *
End Elevation: 4326ft (1319m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 2917ft (889m) *
Total Elevation Loss: 307ft (94m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Elevation Graph
Elevation Profile over Distance
This is the GPS-derived elevation profile of the Allen mountain hike. Note that this is only the ascent (the descent would have an identical profile). I was getting very poor GPS reception on the way down so I did not bother to make a profile of the return leg. [enlarge]
Elevation profile over time
This is the GPS-derived elevation profile of the Allen mountain hike, over time. Note that this is only the ascent. We arrived back at the trailhead around 6:40pm. I was getting very poor GPS reception on the way down so I did not bother to make a profile of the return leg. [enlarge]
Annotated Topo Map of Hike
This is the GPS-derived track of the route overlain onto a topographic map of the area.

Total distance: 14.34 * 2 = 28.68 km.
Start Time : 7:34 am; End Time: 6:40 pm (11 hours 6 minutes)
Average speed (including stops): 2.6 km/hr
Total elevation gain: ~2950 feet (ascent, not counting return journey). [enlarge]
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