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So, after nearly nearly 1500 kilometres of distance and 180 hours of continuous sailing time (over the course of 14 sailing days), the deed was done. Simply Blue had been safely delivered to her new home. Along the way, her new Captain had learned much, perhaps too much, about his new charge. Overall, the weather had been beyond what we could have hoped for, working with us far more often than it had against us. I don't think we tacked more than ten times during the entire course of my eight-day slice of the trip - a sure indication of how favorable the winds had been. In his own words, the Captain summarizes:
"This was my most intense and challenging expedition since the 2004 Torngats Search and Rescue Expedition, and marked by countless logistical and mechanical issues. But these challenges have forged a familiarity with the vessel and its systems that would have taken years to earn the traditional way. It was also a unique opportunity to see the hidden faces of Ontario visible only from the water.

Many, many thanks to my brother Rüdiger Hanel and to Andrew Lavigne for participating in what at times was a boring, thrilling, expensive, interesting, annoying, unique and frightening adventure; your generous and patient help prevented untold mishap and made the whole thing rather fun."
I leave you with a small collection of images of Simply Blue, touring around the waters near its new home base. Bon Voyage!
At anchor
At anchor
Nicely Heeled
Approaching home port
Plying the St Lawrence
Simply Blue
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