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Penetanguishene Pickup
Lake Huron
Thursday, May 26
On Thursday, Mary 26, Roland and his brother Rudy arrived at the Bay Moorings Marina in Penetanguishene, Ontario. The day was a rush of activity: after a long multi-hour drive, a meeting with the owner. A final pre-purchase inspection. Then, finalizing the purchase. A crash course on the various mechanisms and systems of the boat, which were far more complicated than those of his old boat, the Indigo. Packing and storing provisions for the upcoming two-week journey.
courtesy RHanel
courtesy RHanel
courtesy RHanel
The New Blue
Inspection Time
Starting Journey
By about 5:30pm, everything was done - except for the biggest item of all: piloting Simply Blue to her new home. Roland and Rudy were anxious to get started, and rather than spend another night docked at the marina, they decided to get some nautical miles under their belts.

Firing up Simply Blue's 3-cylinder diesel engine, they motored out of the marina and into Penetang Harbour. As a pleasant, sunny evening shone down on them, they soon cut the motor, unfurled the jib and moved under wind power, sailing around Asylum point and into the Outer Harbour. The shorelines on either side gradually receded away as they progressed further and further out into deeper water. Roland's expression of happiness was unmistakable as he turned his craft north into the waters of Georgian Bay. The long homeward journey had begun.
courtesy RHanel
courtesy RHanel
courtesy RHanel
Old Home Goodbye
Asylum Point
Happy New Owner
Starting at 6pm didn't afford much time to make progress. Fortunately, there are several sheltering islands not that far out into the wider waters of Georgian Bay - points reachable well before sunset. Roland and Rudy chose a spot on the western side of Giants Tomb Island, sheltered from the forecasted winds, and settled in for the night after completing just under three hours of sailing. Tomorrow would be the first big day of travel.
Interactive trackmap with photo points - Penetanguishene to Giants Tomb I. - click map to view
May 26 - Penetanguishene to Giants Tomb Island
Start Time: 6:03p.m.
End Time: 8:48p.m.
Duration: 2h45m
Distance: 20.42 km (12.69 mi)
Average Speed: 7.4 km/hr (4.6 mph)
Start Elevation: 589ft (179m) *
Max Elevation: 620ft (189m) *
Min Elevation: 589ft (179m) *
End Elevation: 600ft (183m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 21ft (6m) *
Total Elevation Loss: 17ft (5m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Elevation Graph
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