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Slabby descent
Final scenic lookout
Whiteface's south ridge
Forested slopes
The trail descended steeply, sometimes requiring short (but easy scrambles), and sometimes down some open slabs. After one final excellent lookout (4,500' elevation), we plunged into the trees for good, still heading down on a steep and still reasonably strenuous trail. We were all glad when the 2900-foot elevation mark was reached, for here the trail became less steep, easier, less-rough, and softer.
Steep, slabby descent
Gentler now
Whiteface Lean-to
Our pace continued to get faster as we descended in elevation, and by the time we reached the leafy environs of the Whiteface Lean-to at 2200 feet, the trail had become a dead-simple earthy walking path. Mike seemed to notice, too, and he took great pleasure in bounding up and down the trail ahead of and behind us.
Whiteface Lean-to
Flat forest path
Hiker Highway
Hiker Highway
Hiker Highway
Whiteface Landing
Our increased pace had put us back on track, timewise, allowing us a quick stop at Whiteface Landing, where we had a closeup look at Lake Placid - the lake that we had seen laid out before us so prettily just a few hours before on the summit. Unbeknownst to me (well, until now), there is a very beautiful grassy campsite right at the shore of the lake here.

After checking out Whiteface Landing, we started off on the wide and well-graded Connery Pond trail, which we rapidly dispatched in short order, covering the remaining 2 miles back to the southern terminus of our traverse route (the Connery Pond trailhead) in just under an hour, for a total trip time of just under eight hours.
Connery Pond Trail
Connery Pond
To my fellow hiking companions, I'd like to say thanks for putting up with my rather tight time requirements. I appreciate it! And it was very nice to make your acquaintaince, Ann, and I hope that your Kilimanjaro adventure turns out just as you expect it. Remember, pole, pole....

I'm happy to report that I managed to get to my phone store before closure and I've now fixed up my sim card. Phone calls and text (and data) from the US will now no longer be a problem.
Interactive trackmap with photo points - Esther-Whiteface Traverse - click map to expand
Hike Data - Esther-Whiteface Traverse
Start Time: 8:47a.m.
End Time: 4:46p.m.
Duration: 7h59m
Distance: 18.89 km (11.74 mi)
Average Speed: 2.4 km/hr (1.5 mph)
Start Elevation: 2028ft (618m) *
Max Elevation: 4870ft (1484m) *
Min Elevation: 1667ft (508m) *
End Elevation: 1680ft (512m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 3454ft (1053m) *
Total Elevation Loss: 3759ft (1146m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Elevation Graph
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