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The day after the birthday was a day of more casual visiting. Now that the surprise aspect of things was over, we could all come and go from my parents' place during the course of the day. There was plenty of good food around, since my mom had (against the wishes of all of us) spent quite a bit of time in the weeks leading up to the birthday preparing various foods (meat pies, apple pies, her trademark pasta sauce, etc). I spent a chunk of time replacing my Dad's antiquated computer with someone more modern, and Jenn spent some time introducing my Mom to her new perching stool and car entrance/exit assistance device.
Geo and Mom in the morning
Testing out a new device
The kitchen
Looking at old photos
Looking at old photos
Greeting neighbours
No time wasted
Barry, Jeanette, and Dad
Trying out the new stool
Dining Room Gathering
Geo and Al
Father and Son
Looking for mobility
Bathurst sunset
Dad and Geo
A simple supper
The king on his throne.
Final Gathering
Two A's
Little Golf thingies
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