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With her university courses now completed, Jenn planned a busy 3+ week summer trip to her native West Coast. I joined her for the middle of these three weeks, touring a little around Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest, attending her 20th high school reunion, and, of course, partaking in a helping of the mountainous west coast.
Janet's House
Jenn picked me up from the airport and drove me north, across downtown Vancouver, to North Vancouver, where we stayed with Janet -- a good friend of hers. We stayed in a spacious suite normally used by Janet's parents, so our accommodations were quite excellent. Jenn was impressed with North Vancouver, and mused several times about how this might be a nice place to live.

We spent the next day readying ourselves for Jenn's 20-year high school reunion, of which she was one of the organizers. We walked down from Janet's house in North Vancouver to the sea-bus station, which then took us across the Burrard Inlet to downtown Vancouver.
North Vancouver Street
Lonsdale Quay
Pool near seabus station
Lonsdale Quay and Inlet
Jenn and Vancouver
Seabus and Skyline
On the seabus
Downtown Vancouver
The Olympic Clock
We spent most of the next few hours walking around downtown Vancouver under the bright, warm sun, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city, before heading to our simple-yet-effective downtown motel -- Bosman's Motor Inn (Jenn wanted a place relatively close to the reunion we could taxi to and from, in case there was any excessive drinking). We then went and retrieved the rental car that we would be using for the next week's outdoor activities (more on those activities later).

We visited quite a few spots over the course of the day -- the Olympic clock, shops in and around the Yaletown area of the city -- and even the house that Jenn lived in while in Vancouver as a teenager.
View from the Grill
Seymour Street
Jenn's Old House
With the rental car retrieved and safely returned to the Motel parking lot, we caught a cab to the Arbutus Club, a fancy recreational club not far away. A lounge and patio at the club was where the reunion was being held. The evening unfolded as planned, with the minimum number of participants showing up (barely), and with a very good crop of finger foods keeping us full for the entire night. I got to meet many of Jenn's old classmates, and had interesting conversations with many of them.

It was after midnight before the gathering wound down, and with a very graciously-supplied ride home from Thanh (one of Jenn's high school classmates), we were deposited back at Bosman's Motel in the downtown core. Many thanks, Thanh!
Bosman's Motel
Jenn and Cathy
Point Grey reunion
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