Calabogie Ice Climbing
January 2017
A short image gallery documenting a most pleasant day ice climbing at the crags near Calabogie Ontario (with Roland Hanel and Caroline Doucet). It was a day of moderate temperatures and calm conditions. The ice was a bit thin for this time of year, but the cliffs were uncrowded and we had plenty of time and space to explore various routes.
Today's Climbing Partners
Snowy Path to Climb
A bit thin
Hanel, R
Caro's Nomics
First Climb of the day
Hmm... Do I want to do this?
Caro is up next
View from the Cave
Heading for the cave
Out of the cave
To the top
Strange Food Shot
Climbing JAL
A Nice Tee
Roland's Pillar Penchant
Quaint Crags
Saint Hanel
A final little nugget: a short bit of 120 frames-per-second video of Roland doing his thing at Calabogie.

Roland Ice Climb slo-mo

Interactive trackmap with photo points - Calabogie Ice Climbing - click map to view
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