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From the summit, a huge swath of Strathcona Provincial Park is visible. Notable points of interest are the Golden Hinde - Vancouver Island's highest peak - rising in jagged profile to the west; to the north, the steep craggy north face of Mt McBride; below you to the south is Marble Meadows, and way below you to the east is the long fjord-like gouge of Buttle Lake, extending far to the south and north.
McBride from Marble
Southern Buttle Lake
Northern Buttle Lake
Summit bump from east
After visiting the summit, retrace your exact ascent route. The most important things to watch for are the entry points into the middle and initial gully systems - you want to get those correct so that you remain on the exact same route that you came up on. It is also important to remember to sequence properly through some of the gullies that have loose rock, lest you inadvertently send something crashing down on someone below you.
Reclimbing loose gully
Steep sideslope
Down to squeeze chimney
courtesy AHyndman
Down through tight chimney
Chimney and Gully Descent
Andrew and tight chimney
Descending to easier ground
Wide Ledge System
Approaching col
In addition to the pictures and description above, use the following two annotated pictures to get a good sense of how the route winds along the upper south-facing slopes of the west ridgeline. By correlating these annotated images with the close up shots of various specific spots, you should be able to get a pretty good sense of the whole thing.
Marble Peak's West Ridge
Marble Peak Profile
One final note: when you are looking at the GPS track using the interactive trackmap viewer (either below or on individual pictures), you may notice that the track is not directly along the ridgeline in the satellite view. I can only attribute this to some sort of misalignment (either by google themselves or the provider that gave them the satellite data). For the terrain and topo views, the track is dead on, so I am pretty sure the problem lies with the satellite imagery of this area in google maps. Perhaps that'll be fixed at some point. For now, just mentally shift the track over a bit if you are viewing the track with the satellite imagery.
Interactive trackmap with photo points - Marble Peak Scramble - click map to view
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