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An Alpine World
Textured Slopes
Cresting the Ridge
Presently we the grade of the summit ridge lessened, and we hiked the mostly level remainder of the summit ridge, taking in the great views on either side. Near the top we found ourselves a sheltered little hollow and stopped for a gloriously scenic lunch break. Our lunch was enhanced by the mysterious appearance of custom home-made baclava. Everyone except for Jenn partook. (partook?)
Along the Ridge
Summit in View
Final slopes
Just a Few More Feet, Greg
Arriving on top
Checkin' out the Macs
The Group on Top
Lunch atop Colden
New York's White Giant
Number Two
A Gift from the Gods?
Distant Whiteface
A Plethora of Knobs
Back to the Baclava
Marcy from the top
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