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Relentlessly Steep
Jenn climbs underneath Iroquois
Breaking Out
The Views Emerge
Still no sign of Andy as the trees became scragglier and and the views started to open up. As we reached treeline, though, we spotted Andy above us, sunning himself on a large slab of rock that jutted out over thin air.

We had reached treeline on this side of the peak, and picture-perfect winter views unfolded over to the MacIntyre range and back down to Lake Colden, now very far below indeed.
Steep Traverse
Where's the #!%@ top?
Andy's Waiting Perch
The trail winds through a cool boulder cave before again climbing steeply, now in the open, onto the somewhat airy summit ridge of Mount Colden. The fresh snowfall from last week meant there was lots of good grippable snow (as opposed to ice) on the steep open slopes -- which our mountain-capable snowshoes handled with aplomb.

Now that we were more properly on Colden's summit ridge, we gained an excellent new view south and east over to Mount Marcy and surrounding peaks. Mount Colden's excellent location was providing us with what is likely one of the best viewpoints in the Adirondacks.
Cool Semi-tunnel
Approaching the semi-tunnel
Narrow Defile
Marcy Appears
Open Slope Traversing
Climbing with the MacIntyres.
Steep Open Slopes
The Brown-unit in Action
Below from Above
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