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Eventually the trail started one final push up towards the summit of Wildcat 'E' -- the first named bump along the ridge. On this steep section, there are again some great lookouts back towards the Presidentials. I stopped and took several shots with my zoom lens of the major points of interest. Great viewing conditions today, and as you can see, there's nary a hint of snow on the higher terrain even though it is the end of November!
Looking north
Eastern Presi View
Tuckerman Ravine
Mount Washington Summit
Mount Adams
The Gulf of Slides
Tuckerman Closeup
Boott Spur Trail
Pleasant Ridgecrest Trail
A bit more steep hiking through the trees brought us to the nondescript highpoint of Wildcat 'E'. Apparently Wildcat 'E' was once considered the second official 4000-footer highpoint along Wildcat Ridge, but more accurate measurements moved that honor from Wildcat 'E' to Wildcat 'D'. (Apparently the NH 4000-footer club still accepts ascents of 'E' previous to that point as an official 4000-footer summit).

Soon after Wildcat 'E', we emerged into brilliant sunshine at the cleared area at the top of the Wildcat ski area. The top of the ski area ends right on the ridgecrest, and the Wildcat Ridge trail cuts across it. We stopped here and enjoyed the artifically-cleared lookout (as well as soaking up some of the very nice late November sunshine).
Good trailwork
Wildcat 'E' summit
Top of Wildcat ski area
Wildcat 'D'
Like a spacecraft
View of the Presi range from ski area
AT plaque
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