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A Steep Pitch
Top of steep pitch
Another steep pitch
There are two, maybe three of these scrambly sections before the steepness of the trail begins to lessen. There are several more excellent viewpoints looking back west across the valley, each one providing a slightly higher perspective on the landscape. Across the valley we could identify many of the major features of the eastern slope of the Presidential Range: the Gulf of Slides, Tuckerman Ravine, Huntington Ravine, Lion's Head, Boott Spur, and, of course, Mount Washington itself.
Lookout along Ridge
Luc at Lookout
Lookout, lower Wildcat Ridge
The grade and the views continued to lessen as we climbed higher. There's one very nice viewpoint to the south (most of the views are to the west) that also gave a glimpse upwards to the first highpoint along Wildcat Ridge: Wildcat 'E'.
Cliffs and Moss
Good southern lookout
Looking East
Wildcat 'E'
Slabs on Wildcat Ridge
Designer Steps
Almost all of the up was now behind us, and we walked along a pleasant conifer-lined pathway with occasional views back towards the Presidentials. Mostly the footing is quite good, with the occasional rough patch.
Vuitton Steps
Fingery roots
Good rockwork
More Vuitton Steps
Back to the Presi Range
Jenn climbs to viewpoint
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