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Soon we had bottomed-out at the South Twin-North Twin col and were heading up to North Twin's mostly forested summit. North Twin would be the last of the seven 4000-footer summits I would be completing on this backpack. After this, it was all down, down, down back to our ending trailhead.
Lookout along Spur Trail
North Twin
Nice Rocky Wall
The top of North Twin is thickly forested with 10-foot high conifers. We met Ewart here, just off the spur trail that leads to North Twin's only good summit viewpoint. I went over and had a look, confirming that our pesky clouds were still present. Still, I managed to snap off a few shots of the colorful leaves down in the low country.
Nearing North Twin Summit
Snack Break on N Twin
North Twin Lookout
Northern Pemi
More Color Below
Galehead and Galehead Hut
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