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The next morning it starts to rain, almost on cue (the forecast was for rain on Sunday). We quickly pack up before our gear gets too wet, then head into North Conway for a bit of shopping. We then take the 'twisty road' way back to Ottawa, heading straight west through all manner of backroads (and, as a result, it takes us a lot longer to get home). Have a look at the 'highway' tracklog below - It shows our track back to ottawa, and also has markers for the start and end of 'good' sections of road.
Wet NH113A
Crossing Vermont
Waiting for the ferry
Vermont to New York
Watch yer' children!
Interactive Trackmap - The Drive back Home - click map to Expand
Ok... so, today, I'm trying out something new! In the full-size version of the track shown above, I've color-coded the 'fun/nice' sections of our drive back home. The Red indicates normal, ho-hum roads. The Blue sections indicate interesting and/or twisty sections of road. The Brown indicates gravel sections. Bring up the full-size version and have a look!
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