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courtesy Pu
courtesy Pu
Pu takes another Jenn Shot
Asmir, what have you lost?
Scenic Trail
Winter Birches
Lake Placid from Pitchoff
West to Lake Placid and Beyond
Photographic Ledge
The hike continues to be wonderful, with a trail that follows the ridge and provides many many open viewpoints in all sorts of different directions. It is amazingly calm and warm for this late in the year, too. The weather continues to hold.
courtesy Markus
courtesy Markus
courtesy Markus
Zoom-in of Ski Jumps
Lake Placid
Caroline observes the picture taking
courtesy Markus
courtesy Pu
courtesy Pu
Olympic Bobsled run
Asmir gets excited over ice
Continued fascination
courtesy Pu
I could serve this!
Pitchoff and Algonquin
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