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32.5 KM
33.5 KM
35 KM
36.6 KM
37 KM
37.3 KM
37.5 KM
38 KM
38.2 KM
38.5 KM
39 KM
42 KM
42 KM
42.2 KM
42.2 KM
42.2 KM
42.2 KM
Post-race cooldown
Finishing medal
Post Race BBQ
Placement Certificate
Congrats, Meghan!
Interactive Trackmap with photo points, Meghans 2012 Ottawa Marathon - click map to expand
The above interactive trackmap, when expanded, shows a detailed track of the 2012 Marathon course, plus the cycling track I covered in order to follow Meghan around and take pictures. The marathon course is in red, and my cycling track is in blue. When you expand the map, interactive points are shown where pictures were taken along the course.

You need to click on the map in order to view it in full detail with the photo points.
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