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We stopped at one final spot on the way back to Jenn's Uncle's place in Gananoque -- the MacLachlan Woodworking museum. Our tour of the museum was quiet and self-led -- there was no one else at all in it. A nice little spot, both inside and out.
Woodworking Museum
Cool Floor
Planing section
Planes, planes
Jenn's helping hand
Variation on a Theme
Hand Drill
Fanny Friends
Woodworking tools
Cabinetmaker station
History of the Sash Window
Old Oven
Old Barrel
Back at Stan and Pat's
That's my summary of our visit to Doors Open Kingston 2009. Although we only covered a small portion of what was "doors open", we sitll saw quite a bit of interesting stuff. Well worth it (and very cheap, too)!
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