Welcome to "Rockies 2014 - Astride the Divide": Ten days exploring a stretch of the Rocky Mountains along the height of land known as the Continental Divide, both on-trail and off.

From Montana's Glacier National Park in the south to Alberta's Banff National Park in the north, we experienced ten days of wonderful wildflowers, pointy peaks, turquoise tarns, foaming falls, fascinating fossils, and marvelous meadows. Oh, and fantastic friends. Can't forget that!

To get started reading the whole story, from start to finish, Click here. If you'd like to skip around to specific sections, use the table of contents. If you are interested in a much shorter overview, you can read the "Short Report".

Table of Contents / Index

Astride the Divide

Waterton Lakes National Park
To Waterton
Carthew-Alderson Traverse
Akamina Ridge

Glacier National Park (Montana)
The Highline Trail
Iceberg Lake

Kananaskis Country
To Kananaskis Country
Aster Lake Backpack, Day 1
Warrior Mtn (Aster L. Backpack, Day 2)

Banff National Park
To Lake Louise
Mount Temple
Return to Calgary

Special / Extra Features
GPS Data
The "Short Report"

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(last message posted on Fri. Sep. 19, 15:44 EDT 2014 by Elvira)
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