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courtesy RHanel
Posing in the high desert
Chilly and cold up here
First sight of the car
Rising moon
A final stretch
Start of Lower Falls Trail
courtesy RHanel
First rays of sun
Easy, scenic trail
Easy, scenic trail
courtesy PChen
Gambel Oak
Flat Open Stretch
Hiking towards Lower Calf Creek Falls
Stark against the sky
Pointing to the Granary
Fremont Granary
courtesy PChen
Roland's Point
Arching Oaks
Muted Winter Colors
Warm Walls of Stone
Entering a narrower section
courtesy RHanel
Oak Forest
Branches against the sky
At the water's edge
courtesy RHanel
Destination in sight
Closer, closer
Lower Calf Creek Falls
courtesy PChen
Lower Calf Creek Falls
Lower Calf Creek Falls
Andrew and Jenn at the falls
courtesy RHanel
Jenn, for scale
A vertical view
Andrew at work
Situational shot
Situational shot
Soaking it in
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