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Summit Marker
Instead of a sign at the summit, there is a small round trail marker on a windblown conifer with "Panther Peak" written on it. [enlarge]
Panther Peak Summit Break
Ewart demonstrates calisthenics on the summit. [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Mid-morning break
A beautiful cool morning with excellent visibility is a perfect way to enjoy a mid-morning snack. [enlarge]
The Sewards
The Seward range (along with Emmons Mt immediately to the right) are clearly visible from the summit of Panther. All are over 4000 feet. [enlarge]
Couschsachraga Peak
Couschsachraga Peak is the wooded summit slightly to the right of center. It is reached by following the up-and-down ridge leading to it from left-of-center. (this picture taken from the summit of Panther Peak). [enlarge]
Santanoni Peak
This is Santanoni Peak as viewed from the summit of Panther Peak. The trail / herdpath to Santanoni roughly follows the ridgeline all the way to the top. [enlarge]
Dare cookies on Panther
Musn't forget the Dare Cinnamon Danish cookies summit shot! [enlarge]
Taken near the summit of Panther Peak [enlarge]
Rocky, rooty trail
A typical rugged Adirondack trail leads down the ridge to Coucshachraga Peak. [enlarge]
Couschsachraga Peak Summit
Proof of yet another Dare cookie summit. As you can see, the summit of Couschsachraga Peak is quite "treed". There are a few reasonable views, however. For some reason, Ewart was quite festive at this point, and regaled us with some Yuletide melodies. Click here to watch and listen to them (RealVideo, 120Kb). [enlarge]
Happy orange juice drinker.
Hello, happy orange juice drinker (aka Markus). [enlarge]
Times Square
Times Square is a bit of open earth on the ridgeline of the main Santanoni range. All of the herd paths between Panther, Couschsachraga, and Santanoni Peaks converge here. This is a good place to stop for a break. [enlarge]
Times Square break
Early afternoon break at Times Square [enlarge]
Santanoni Summit Ridge
This is a shot looking back north along the Summit ridge of Santanoni Peak, which, as you can see, is fairly full of trees. But with occasional excellent views, I might add. [enlarge]
Santanoni Peak
Note the mis-spelling on the sign. Also note that the Dare Cinnamon Danish cookies have made it here, too! Now, finally, we can eat some! [enlarge]
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