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Pretty ice chandelier
Taken along the way through avalanche pass. [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
More ice sculptery
Alpine Avalanche Pass and Lake
Markus poses in front of the very wintry and blustery Avalanche Pass lake and cliffs. Truly a spectacular place at any time of year. [enlarge]
Gateway through the pass
Two dead trees stand as sentinels, guarding the way through avalanche pass. [enlarge]
Cliffs on Mount Colden
A closeup of the lower cliffs on Mt Colden, as seen from Avalanche Lake. [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Starting the trek across Avalanche Lake
Ewart, grizzled veteran hiker, part II
A bit more ice, a bit more snot, but still chugging. Note photographer and others reflected in sunglasses [enlarge]
Crossing Avalanche Lake
Our party starts its way across Avalanche Lake, now frozen totally solid. Usually the trail follows a tortuous path along the shore of the lake, but in the winter we can cut right across. Very nice. [enlarge]
Crossing Avalanche Lake
High winds, blowing snow, and a desolate, windswept, ice-covered lake. [enlarge]
Pu, Shannon and Caroline.
Waiting for the others while on Avalanche Lake. [enlarge]
Markus crosses Avalanche Lake
Markus crosses the white windswept plain of Avalanche Lake. [enlarge]
Cuddly Ranger Dog
We met a park ranger and her very friendly husky, who seemed oblivious to the wind and snow. [enlarge]
The Trap Dike
A mountaineering route, winter or summer, the Trap Dike is a neat way up Mount Colden (which we are not doing on this trip) [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Lunch break
Taken just after crossing Avalanche Lake [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Deborah's Lunch
courtesy _markus
Backcountry trail signs
Almost buried by this year's snow. [enlarge]
Mount Colden
This is a shot of the summit of Mount Colden as seen from Lake Colden. Visibility up there is not looking so good, is it.... [enlarge]
Start of the section that climbs Mount Colden
This is a trail junction on the shore of Lake Colden. This is the start of the trail that leads, very steeply, up the southwest flank of Mt Colden. [enlarge]
Treeline on Mount Colden
We break out into the open on the upper slopes of Mount Colden. Although it is cloudy and snowing, there is still enough visibility to see quite a ways. In this picture, Lake Colden and the Flowed Lands are visible behind Markus. [enlarge]
Boulders near the summit of Mt Colden
Max and Lake Colden
Tricky, icy slabs
Nearing the summit of Mt Colden, we encounter some slabs with ice that we must scramble up. It doesn't help that there are steep dropoffs below. [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Andrew's Summit Photography
This is me, fully covered up in the driving wind and snow, near the summit of Mt. Colden. My Sony F707 digital camera is proving its mettle in these kinds of conditions - never once has it had a problem, even though it is about -15C with a 60km/hr wind and blowing snow. [enlarge]
courtesy _markus
Ewart, really grizzled vetern hiker
Jolly and chipper looking, isn't he? [enlarge]
Mount Colden Summit
Here is a view of the true summit, as seen from the southwest. [enlarge]
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