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Ice Lake Basin

We next headed for the high country of southwestern Colorado, where we did a short backpack, in the San Juan Mountains, to a high-elevation mountain basin ringed with scenic, craggy peaks. I had come down with a bit of a bug those few days, and I wasn't feeling well at all. Still, I made it up to our 12,000+ foot base camp, and the next day we climbed an unnamed 13,500-foot peak. Quite a contrast from the desert we were in just days before!
Lower Ice Lake Basin
Ice Lake Basin
Andrew's a little unwell
Moonrise over the Rockies
Morning at 12,000 feet
Ice Lake Basin's peaks
unnamed 13,500 peak
Markus and Pilot Knob
Andrew and Ice Lake
Crystal Clear Reflections
Crystal Clear Reflections
Peter on 13,500-foot peak
Peter far below
Markus' altitude record
Over to Pilot Knob
View down to Ice Lake
Our tents
Scrambling back down
Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad
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