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Day 2 Begins
On Day 2, we leave the Athabasca Glacier and move up onto a smaller but more broken up valley glacier that separates Mount Athabasca from Mount Andromeda. Here one of the students is visible with the Athabasca glacier visible in the background, far below. Note the grader (which looks like a tonka toy) which is smoothing out the sno-coach track. [enlarge]
More Crevasse Resue Practice
Some (but not us) of the students get to practice their crevasse rescue techniques in a real crevasse. Our group practices using a virtual crevasse. [enlarge]
More Crevasse Resue Practice
Wide-angle version of the previous photo. Mount Kitchener rises in the upper left background. [enlarge]
Ice Climbing
After finishing our crevasse rescue work, we move on to ice-climbing. Here, one of our instructors sets up some top-ropes on top of some seracs so that we can safely try out some vertical ice climbing. [enlarge]
Ice Climbing Instruction
We spend a few hours trying our hand at climbing on glacier ice. Markus does better than he believes. [enlarge]
Our three esteemed leaders
Our instructors oversee the ice climbing. [enlarge]
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