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This being a team outing, I wanted to link today's outing with some of the great work we'd done recently together. We've been calling that work "PUP" and we had had t-shirts made up with a cute doggy logo. So... in order to celebrate, I made sure that everyone on the hike today had a PUP t-shirt to wear. Now, time for some cheesy commemorative shots! I had brought along a small drone for just that purpose.

A couple of other local hikers climbed up into the summit area as we were setting up. I asked them if it was ok to do a couple of minutes of drone photography (I don't really like flying it if there are other people around unless I get their permission). They were cool with it and I sent the drone up for one long shot, one closeup shot, and a nice orbit video.
Getting Ready for PUPshoot
Ampersand's Granite Summit
And with the PUP-shots now over, we gathered up our stuff and set off back down the mountain. We wanted to try and keep the return time as reasonable as possible, and already we were behind my planned schedule.

We navigated the steep downhill bits with a combination of ice-ax work and some skillfull buttsliding. Everyone chose a slightly different technique, and in all cases we made it down without incurring any mishaps or injuries. Once below the steeps, it was an easy and straightforward walk back across the flats to the highway.
Starting back down
The PUPers were here
The Trek is Completed
We arrived back about four and a half hours after setting out. Everyone was pretty pleased with how it had went, and the first-timers were especially impressed. I'm glad we'd waited for a perfect-conditions day like this. It really does make all the difference.

Thanks to those at work (Nic and Chris L, who both were supportive and encouraged this activity) and those who came. It's nice to be able to share this sort of multi-faceted activity with my work buddies! Let me know if you'd like to do more of these - I'm more than happy to organize them.

Finally, please don't forget the video at the bottom of this page. I'm sure it'll generate a groan or two, at the very least.
Interactive trackmap with photo points - Ampersand Mountain - click map to view
Ampersand Mountain - Hike Data
Start Time: 10:50a.m.
End Time: 3:25p.m.
Duration: 4h35m
Distance: 8.28 km (5.14 mi)
Average Speed: 1.8 km/hr (1.1 mph)
Start Elevation: 1586ft (483m) *
Max Elevation: 3341ft (1018m) *
Min Elevation: 1538ft (469m) *
End Elevation: 1548ft (472m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 1774ft (541m) *
Total Elevation Loss: 1811ft (552m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Elevation Graph
A short, somewhat cheesy video of our PUP Climb up Ampersand Mountain:
Ampersand Mountain PUP Climb
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