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We each managed between roughly five to eight climbs. Towards the very end of our stay, the neighboring climbers vacated their spot, and we managed to get a try at their section of cliff, which was a bit higher and steeper than the routes we had climbed so far - and much drippier, too! It felt like you were being rained upon when climbing on this section of cliff.
courtesy RHanel
On something sporty
Stephanie on belay

Video Clip - Roland's Ice Cave Traverse - Click on video above to start

courtesy RHanel
Wood and Ice
Final climb
The end of the day.
We were off of the cliffs, packed up, and headed back to the cars by about 4pm. Sara, Jean and Isabelle were off to watch an indoor rock-climbing competition being held at a local Ottawa climbing gym, and Stephanie and Roland had invited Jenn and I back to their place for an impromptu dinner. All in all, a very tidy and pleasant climbing day with friends.
Interactive trackmap with photo points - walk to Calabogie ice climbing location - click map to view
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