With one final bit of somewhat airy scrambling leading us to the top (and very well done on that, Denis - I know you are not super crazy about such things), we completed our ascent. We posed for a few summit photos, then retreated to the leeward side of the peak, out of the somewhat stiff and cool breeze. We had a great view south and west towards the Dixes as a lunch backdrop.
courtesy JInnes
courtesy JInnes
courtesy JInnes
During our extensive lunch break, I break out a new bit of camera kit - a recently purchased refurbished copy of a 50mm macro prime lens. I've never had a true macro lens before, so I'm curious to try it out. First subject? Some lichen on the summit bedrock. Second Subject? Pu's lunch!
courtesy JInnes
courtesy RBellefeuille
After a good long lunch, we set out from the summit. We've chosen to head down the 'back way' - down a trail that heads down east from the summit, rather than back down along the Stimson Trail to the north (which we came up). Going down to the east makes our outing a loop and gives us the option of climbing Round, if Denis is up for it.
Once at the trail junction at the bottom of Noonmark, we turn north on the section of Dix trail that runs between Noonmark and Round Mountains. The trail is quite wet in places at first - a combination of excessively rainy weather and some overactive beavers. Soon, though, we are past the wetness, and hike along the lightly travelled trail into the notch between Noonmark and Round. At the height of land between the two, we reach the junction with the trail up the 'back side' of Round Mountain. Our choice is now to continue along the Dix trail without summitting Round, or summit Round and then continue north down to the parking lot.
Denis chooses the extra climb, and we are glad. Round's summit is quite a nice place; very open for only 3,000 feet of elevation, and with a laid-back, quiet sort of out-of-the-way feel about it.
Another Dix view from summit