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The summit of Flume has excellent views in all directions. To the north, we see the most-excellent Franconia Ridge; to the east are the high peaks of the Pemigewasset Wilderness, and, beyond, the gleaming white summits of the Presidential Range. To the south and east are more of the peaks of the White Mountains.

We can clearly see the changing weather. To the north is a sharp line demarcating clear blue sky and high hazy cloud. To the south and west, the clouds get progressively thicker. Slowly, slowly, the whole assemblage is moving to the northeast, gradually covering us. For now, though, the sun still shines weakly on us, and creates an interesting diffuse lighting on everything. The wind is, amazingly, virtually nonexistent.
Mt Liberty
Pu on Flume
Beautiful Bondcliff
Pristine Presidentials
Bondcliff's ridge
Peaks and Popcorn
Bob and Andrew
Jenn and Andrew
We enjoy our time on Flume's summit, but we don't stay too long. We want to be on Liberty's summit while we still have views, and we'd like to be back at the car before the weather deteriorates. So, we're off again, heading downhill (north) along the Franconia Ridge Trail. The col between Flume and Liberty is fairly deep, and so we're fairly pooped as we emerge onto the summit rocks of Mt Liberty about 50 minutes later.
Arriving on Liberty
Mt Liberty's open summit
Pemi to the east
Liberty's summit is also excellent. It is more bare than Flume's, and offers much the same views in all directions. The weather has progressed a little further -- it's a bit darker, a bit cloudier, a bit gloomier, and slightly more breezy. Still, we have excellent views, and we're glad that we planned an early start. It looks as if we timed our hike to make the most of the good weather today had to offer.
Jenn on Liberty
Bob on Liberty
I-93 corridor
To the south from Liberty
Summit Chatting
Cliffy Liberty
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