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As is customary when driving fun-in-the-sun convertibles, we decided to avoid the long, droning expressways and instead take a backroad country route back to Ottawa. I chose a string of roads that would explore a bit of new ground in western New Hampshire and eastern Vermont, before interescting I-89 and heading northwest to Ottawa.
Heading back in convoy
US 3
Cliffs of Cannon
We drove south through Franconia Notch, then west on the Sawyer Highway (very nice - leafy, good elevation changes, moderate twisties - but the speed limit of 40 seems ridiculously low - this would be a 55 in New York State, guaranteed).
Pleasant backway
Sawyer Highway
Sawyer Highway
As we drove northwest, we left the hot and humid airmass for some much clearer, cooler air. We chose to drive up Grand Isle on US route 2 - very scenic lake-and-farmlands scenery on that one! After that, it was straight west on NY 11 to Cornwall, then back to Ottawa. That's it - bye for now!
Sawyer Highway
Sawyer Highway
Crossing into Vermont
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Bypassing Malone
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