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Bucklin Trail Junction
As we neared Killington, the trail steepened, reaching the vandalized (with annoying graffiti) Cooper Shelter not far below the summit of Killington. Ever-thickening clouds finally enveloped us, and our steep final trudge to the summit was essentially inside a cloud. The summit has a nice open patch, but unfortunately we were too late for any sort of views -- except for little droplets of moisture, that is.

We'd met very few people on the trail today. However, on the summit of Killington, we met a young Long trail thru-hiker.
Cooper Shelter
Nearing summit rocks
Summit of Killington
Hello, froggy!
Clouds have rolled in.
The way back was uneventful, with the exception, perhaps, of ever-thickening clouds and an increase in breeziness. The day before, similar conditions had fomented some serious thunderstorms, and we hurried along as best we could to get back to the car before anything like that happened. On the way back, we stayed on the Sherburne Pass trail and bypassed the summit of Pico Peak.
A bit of springwater
Wonderful Lush Forest
Graceful Arc
A few sprinkles fell here and there, but it was nothing major, and we arrived back at the car safe and dry, five hours and fifty minutes after we started. Not too many views, but an enjoyable hike nonetheless. A relatively un-rugged hike this was.
Orange Salamander
Again, more beautiful trail.
Bells of Fungus
Back at the pass

Interactive Trackmap & Photo Points - Killington Pk - Click map to expand
Killington Peak Hike
Start Time: 8:20a.m.
End Time: 2:06p.m.
Duration: 5h46m
Distance: 18.09 km (11.24 mi)
Average Speed: 3.1 km/hr (1.9 mph)
Start Elevation: 2164ft (660m) *
Max Elevation: 4238ft (1292m) *
Min Elevation: 2155ft (657m) *
End Elevation: 2197ft (670m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 2824ft (861m) *
Total Elevation Loss: 2786ft (849m) *
* : +/- 75 feet
Elevation Graph
Elevation over Distance
Elevation over time
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