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This was the weekend where we finally took Mark and Linda up on their invitation to visit them in their hometown of Bolton Landing, NY. Mark and Linda, if you aren't aware, are two keen winter Adirondack hikers that finished their Adirondack winter 46 just this last March. We were there with them when they completed their quest (and you can read about it here, if you haven't already).

Mark and Linda have a wonderful 40-some-odd acre farm in Bolton Landing. It is lush and well-landscaped. This isn't a suprise once you consider that Mark is a professional landscaper, and also runs a perennial flower business -- 'sweet pea farms'. A walk around the property is impressive.
Arriving at Mark and Linda's
Mark's Perennials
Lots of perennials
Colorful Irises
Tall Lupine
Another Iris
The highlight of our visit was a day trip out onto scenic Lake George (Bolton Landing is on the shore of Lake George, NY). And we were in for quite a treat, too: Mark and Linda own a wonderfully-restored classic boat: a 1956 Chris-craft Sea Skiff. It is a wonderful craft, made of well-preserved and varnished Mahogany, and beautifully appointed throughout.
At the marina
Quite a surprise
1956 Sea Skiff
Pulling away
At full song
Cruising with style
The Helm
Vintage panel
Bolton Landing B&B
The Sagamore Hotel
Bow view
One classic from another
The Sagamore
Linda on Lake George
Stopover at Glen Island
Bow closeup
To the narrows
Our day on the lake, cruising by historic buildings, sitting on the wicker chairs on the back deck, and admiring the mountainous beautiy of Lake George, was a very posh treat. We knew we were in something special, too -- people were constantly coming up, snapping photos of the boat, asking lots of questions, and making many admiring comments.
Island Lunchstop
Parked at picnic stop
Relaxing on Lake George.
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