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Most enthusiastic of '07
After the speeches, we mingled for a while longer, getting to know everyone a bit better. Jenn had a nice conversation with the one-man trail-maker of the high peaks... pin-pin. I think he is to the Adirondack High Peaks what the D.O.T. is to the highways.... he really is like a snowplow!
Seriously, though
many, many winters
Tom's Turn
All together now....
All together now....
Chatting with the hiking god
46er President
Strong like bull
Joe and Mark
Artistic description of pin-pin
Jane and Jenn
Jane and Jenn
After a most pleasant evening, Jenn and I head home. We'll likely be back next year. After all, I'm a winter 41er and Jenn's a winter 33er.... so we have only a few more to go!

Congratulations to all of the new winter 46ers! It was fantastic to meet all of you, and I very much hope to see all of you again next winter season (both ahead of and behind me... I will try to do my share!)
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