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Jenn nearing summit
Jenn on Ampersand Mountain
Small pond, big pond
By the time we broke out onto the wonderful open top of Ampersand, most of the clouds had melted away (as was forecast) and it was a glorious exceptionally clear day. The lake country to the north and the high peaks to the east were both clearly and crisply visible, although a few of the higher peaks were still shrouded in the remaining bits of cloud. The group had split up into a few large chunks, which over the course of 30 or so minutes reached the top. Seeing us all standing on Ampersand's summit highlighted how many of us there were!
Jenn and Yanna
Lookee here - a pond!
Random guy
Markus crests the last rise
Dave nearing summit
Dave nearing summit
Forest texture
One crowded summit!
The grand "Pu"-bah arrives
Peter crests
Stoutly marching on...
Dan on the run
Andrew and Pu
Andrew and Jenn
Ampersand's Summit
Looking west
Masterful closeup
The three sentinels
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Towards the high peaks
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