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Insectarium Interior
Madison and the Butterflies
Macrodontia Cervicornis
More long-horned Beetles
Woodsy-looking Moths
Iridescent Moths
Madison handles a leaf-thing
A leaf insect
Preying Mantis
Mexican Redknee
Moth and Butterfly wall
Now finished with intricate insects, we headed outside into bright sunshine to tour the Botanical Gardens. The gardens are quite old -- founded in 1936, apparently, and have grown to quite a large size and to include a huge variety of themed gardens: Chinese, Japanese, First Nations, Alpine, Aquatic, Monestary, Perrenial, Toxic Plant, etc, etc. We only had time to focus on a few of the more major gardens. It would probably take a few days to completely explore the whole place!
Ice cream break
Chinese Gardens
Chinese Gardens
Chinese Gardens
Chinese Gardens
Lotus field
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